Book Reviews

Review: You Are Their Lighthouse: Parenting Guidance for a New Age

“You Are Their Lighthouse: Parenting Guidance for a New Age (Gowith-In) by Jill S MacDonald is an enlightened approach to parenting to help guide parents to understand the bigger picture and navigate through family struggles in a more positive, balanced way. Children choose their parents before utero while in the soul-state of being, connect, and then arrive through you for their physical earthly experience. What an important connection that is! How many parents get lost in the day-to-day details and forget what they intuitively know deep down? This book is designed to support you through the sometimes overwhelming challenge of parenting, gain insight into you and your child’s relationship, and provide the necessary tools to become the kind of intuitive, understanding parent you may have always wanted to be.  

You Are Their Lighthouse: Parenting Guidance for a New Age (Gowith-In) by Jill S MacDonald is a positive, heartwarming, encouraging read for parents who want to do better without placing so much negative pressure on themselves. I’ve always thought that children choose their parents before they arrive here on earth and that the responsibility of parenting is a gift and a miracle. I love the way the author reminds us that yes, parenting can be challenging but also a beautiful, unforgettable journey. There are so many wonderful tips inside this book and Jill S McDonald using the lighthouse as the metaphor is absolutely perfect. Well-written and well-researched, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of calm between these pages and I’m sure many (new and seasoned) parents will benefit from reading You Are Their Lighthouse: Parenting Guidance for a New Age. Five stars!”

- Kristy Volchko, Readers’ Favorite


Review: You Are Their Lighthouse: Parenting Guidance for a New Age

“You Are Their Lighthouse: Parenting Guidance for a New Age by Jill S MacDonald is a non-fiction parenting book and part of the GoWith-In series, preceded by the first book, Awareness. Clarity. Power. MacDonald focuses in this guide on the health, mental, and spiritual well-being of the parents themselves alongside their children. She offers a more universal approach to parenting and what it means to be the person responsible for the young souls in their care, a foundational method called the Parenting Paradigm. The crux of this is understanding that the best way to parent is to do so with good intent, an open heart, and an open mind. Needs vary by child and life stages just as they do with parents, with all the diversity of personality and feeling we experience outside the home as well. Parents and children are partners on the same team with no firm one-size-fits-all way of life for any parent, child, or family.

It was incredibly refreshing to read You Are Their Lighthouse. Jill S MacDonald writes with such a warm and friendly voice that it feels like a friend sitting on the couch with you, chatting over a cup of tea. She inspires and encourages, which is the complete opposite of the 'do this, don't do that' guidance most of us were stuck with before people began to open up to MacDonald's way of living. My favorite part is on creating harmony, an exploration of adapting to the child, understanding them, and turning our point of view inward to accept what they are offering instead of an outward point of view where we mean only to shape them into replicas of ourselves. There is a lot of fantastic guidance in this compact book, but it offers more value than anything I've read in a long, long time.”

- Asher Syed


Review: Awareness. Clarity. Power.

“For anyone who desires to grow in self-awareness, spending time with this little gem is a good beginning. By exploring the three words comprising the title, the reader will grow in deeper understanding of living a life in authentic power. The author guides the reader through a thought-provoking process of inner discovery. Author Jill S. MacDonald has written her first book in the GoWith-In Series entitled Awareness. Clarity. Power. This is a book to be savored, reflected upon and revisited over the years. As everyday busyness can push the most important elements of our lives into the background, a new perspective can change everything. The teachings in this book can assist anyone to build a new path, a new way of being. One of the highlighted phrases – We are all energetic beings who create with our thoughts, words, intentions and actions – summarizes the important messages contained within the book well.

The book itself is attractive and presents a sense of calmness. From the striking purple cover to the beautiful quotes and format of each chapter ending with a summarizing phrase, it is a beautiful book. The author presents both a spiritual aspect of connecting with inner knowingness, as well as a logical, pragmatic path to follow. It would be easy to find a specific section and review it when it would be helpful. She also gives some real-life examples throughout the book, making the concepts relatable. Awareness. Clarity. Power. by Jill S. MacDonald is a recommended addition to any personal collection of inspiring books.”

- Deborah Lloyd, Reader’s Favorite


Review: Awareness. Clarity. Power.

“Thankfully and fortunately, I was given the awesome opportunity to work with Jill as my Counselor for several years during an extremely difficult and challenging time in my life. Therein, I was able to become "awake" and aware much sooner than it became really popular to do so.

Reading 'Awareness. Clarity. Power.' simply confirmed many of the teachings and navigation tools she taught me. We worked on it during our time together - many of which I still use today to maintain clarity, and of which my children have received many benefits as well.

This read is effortless, yet thought provoking. That's just how Jill is - easy to understand, yet filled with compassion. She is a true gift to guide anyone who wants to realize their power within and to move through life with much more ease, love, and peace.”

- Don G.


Review: Awareness. Clarity. Power.

“Throughout life we all experience different levels of Awareness, Clarity and Power. Jill is such a wonderful author and her book provides you so many opportunities to grow and evolve when you're ready. It is the kind of book you read a little, sit with it and read some more. It is the kind of book you keep around and re-read time and again. Each time absorbing something more and different, depending where you are in your life and what your needs are. This is the kind of book you want to give away so you can share the wisdom and insight...... but you keep and buy it for others. Well written, easy to understand. Simply lovely.”

— Karen B.


Review: Awareness. Clarity. Power.

“Your book, Awareness, Clarity, Power, is a perfect guidebook for people to refer to for course corrections as they feel the pressure of daily life pressing on them. I was so excited when I got my copy of your book that I told myself that I was going to only read one chapter a day and let that be in my consciousness for the day and see how each day unfolded as a result of having a specific focus for the day. I admit I cheated. I would read a chapter and feel so energized that I could not resist looking ahead to see what was next. It should have taken me four weeks to get through your book, but alas, I finished in under two weeks. The good news is that I will be able to wash, rinse, and repeat that much sooner.”

- Bryce R.


Review: Awareness. Clarity. Power.

“Jill is a thought leader. She brings together concepts in new ways that make sense to the soul. I highly recommend her books and her work.”

- Julie Ann


Review: Awareness. Clarity. Power.

“Everyone needs to read this book!”

- Mike MacDonald


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